21高音质游戏影视武打工夫音效 打斗击战斗攻击特技音效声音素材
宝贝名称: 高音质武打音效素材
宝贝格屎 WAV
宝贝数量: 300个
比 特 率: 1411kbps等
素材大小: 48MB(解压后)

试听链接: http://picimg.witcp.com/pic/www.producerloops.com/Download-Push-Button-Bang-Fight-Sounds-Hand-Combat-SFX.html

Fight Sounds: Hand Combat SFX' is the perfect solution for fight scene creation, brawling impact promos, transitions and audio sequences. Designed for game/app and media production, as well as layering with musical elements to create high octane action impacts and jaw-breaking audio interludes. This one-of-a-kind, hand combat SFX collection features a diverse array of fight sound elements.
120高音质汽车音效声音素材 影视广告游戏音效声效音频资料素材热门设计联盟服务商